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Plan a Visit

 "Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."
Romans 15:7

We appreciate your interest in visiting! We are a friendly and inclusive church, representing the young and the not so young, and people of different races, sexualities and political views.


Some members have worshiped in the Episcopal Church all their lives, while many have come from other backgrounds. We welcome all who question, search or even doubt. 


Our church is located at:


1801 Camborne Road

North Chesterfield, VA 23236


  8:00 a.m. - Quiet Service (No music)

  9:00 a.m. - Christian Formation for all ages
10:00 a.m. - Choir & Children's Sermon

11:00 a.m. - Coffee Hour


  Children are welcome in the services!


"I'm New!"

The Q&A below will answer some questions that you may have:


Where are you located and where should I park?

We are located on the corner of Providence and Reams Road in North Chesterfield. Our street address is 1801 Camborne Road. We have ample parking and have two designated visitor spots in the lower lot facing Camborne and designated handicapped spots on the side of the lot facing Reams Road.




How accessible is St. David's?

For visitors with wheelchairs and other mobility needs, we have designated handicapped spots on the side of the lot facing Reams Road that lead to a step-free church entrance. There are spaces in the sanctuary designed for wheelchairs and strollers and our restrooms are accessible as well. If you have other needs we can help you address but have not mentioned here, please contact our church office prior to your visit.


What should I wear?

There are no expectations on what to wear, and most folks in the congregation dress informally.


Where should I sit?

You are welcome to sit wherever you are comfortable. Kneelers are available under many of the chairs.


What are the services like?

The 8:00 a.m. service is a more intimate service with no music and typically runs about 45 minutes. Our 10:00 a.m. service has a variety of music, including a choir, and typically runs about an hour, with a coffee hour in the Parish Hall immediately following the service. Both of our services offer Communion (Eucharist) every Sunday.


What about my children?

We love having children in all our services and understand that this sometimes means they may make a joyful noise—and that's just fine with us. At the 10:00 a.m. service, Pastor Elizabeth delivers a children's sermon and also invites children back upfront during Prayers of the People.


We offer Sunday School for pre-k through 5th grades and Youth Group for 6th through 12th grades at 9:00 a.m. except during summer.


Who may take communion?

We invite all baptized Christians to take communion with us, though it is not required. Unbaptized children and adults are welcome to come forward during communion for a blessing.


Do I need to wear a name tag?

We ask that everyone, even members of our congregation, wear a name tag. That makes it much easier for us to know your name and for you to know our names. A greeter will be at a table near the front door and can provide name tags as well as answer any questions you have.


How do I get more information?

We hope you will complete a visitor card on your visit with your contact information and you can note areas of interest. You may also call the office at (804) 276-4348 with any questions. If you provide your email address, we will add you to our distribution list to receive the Good News, a weekly electronic newsletter with information on what is happening at St. David's.


How do I become a member of St. David's?

  • If you are a member of another Episcopal church – let us know where you belong and we can contact your current parish and ask for a membership transfer.

  • If you are a baptized Christian in another denomination – let us know when and where you were baptized and we can add you a member.

  • If you have not been baptized – talk Pastor Elizabeth about Baptism. While we often baptize babies or young children, it is also common for adults to be baptized.

  • Certain church ministries like Vestry and Lay Eucharistic Minister, require that you be a confirmed member. This can be accomplished by being confirmed by the Bishop (or received if you had an adult profession of faith in another denomination). The Episcopal Church has full communion with the Lutheran and Moravian churches.

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