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Serving in Worship

Explore and expand your spiritual journey by serving St. David’s

There are many ways to serve at St. David’s so don’t worry, there is something for everyone! Participating in church ministry can strengthen your faith and empower you as you follow your spiritual path. 






Lay Eurcharistic Ministers (LEMS)


Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMS) Become part of the worship service by participating in the Holy Eucharist acting as Chalice Bearer, distributing the consecrated wine (the blood of Christ) and assisting the rector as needed during the service.

A great way to immerse yourself in the Holy Spirit while serving your church and church family in the breaking of the bread.



Lector (Reader)


Become part of the worship service by reading the scripture from the Old and New Testaments, leading the congregation in the collective reciting of psalms, and saying  the Prayers of the People. Be the voice, providing God’s word—a truly wonderful experience!

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Open to all ages (especially children), acolytes lead the church procession with the cross and Gospel Book, collect the offering plate, and assist the rector as needed. Acolyte service is a great way for anyone to become familiar with the service while participating in it.




Ushers greet and assist people as they enter the church for worship service. The usher ensures that all attendees find and navigate to an available seat that suits their needs. They also assist in the collection of the offering and guide the congregation in receiving Communion. When the service ends, the usher opens the exit doors. 


Friendly Handshake



If you're energetic and enjoy the social aspect of church, this is for you! Greeters are the first to meet people as they arrive to church for worship. Help get the service off to the right start, provide a smile, hand shake, hug and a bulletin. This is such a rewarding ministry—providing a positive, friendly hello can make someone’s day a great one... including yours!  


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Are you interested in working behind the camera? Do you want to develop your skills in the art of video-making? This ministry is for you. For St. David’s to provide expanded access to the 10 a.m. Sunday service, we need an operator available each Sunday to operate the worship cam, streaming the 10am service to all who would like to attend wherever they are. No technical knowledge needed to tackle this adventure, just a desire to experience God’s love and share it with our online St. David’s family.




The St. David’s choir is an important part of the Sunday worship service and is open to all who may be interested. With focus on both traditional and contemporary music, our choir provides a perfect blend of song styles for worship. If enhancing your worship experience through song sounds like it’s for you, then the St. David’s choir might be the perfect fit! Give it a try—no experience necessary!


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Altar Guild


Have you ever wondered what the drapes on the Altar mean? Why do the colors change? Who does all that setting up? It’s the Altar Guild. This ministry is important to the Sunday services. It is mostly done behind the scenes, before and after the  service. Not only do we set up for Sunday morning but we set up for weddings, funerals and special services. It is a wonderful ministry to learn more about the Episcopal traditions. You will learn how to prepare the Lord’s Table with bread and wine and what each cloth is used for. You will also learn some Latin!

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Flower Guild


The Flower Guild purchases and prepares flowers for the church on all Sundays and on special occasions, as requested. 

The primary purpose of the Flower Guild is to ensure that beautiful floral arrangements are displayed to the Glory of God.

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