Our Worship Services

8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist (Communion)
This is a quiet service with no music where we encourage you to come as you are to worship and share in God’s love for the whole world.

10:00 AM
Holy Eucharist (Communion)
This is a choral service where all are welcome to come as you are, bring the kids and rejoice in God’s word, music and fellowship.
St. David’s is the Church on the corner, wherever you are. St. David’s offers two Sunday Worship Services where the word from both Old and New Testament, the collective reading of psalms and intriguing, inspiring sermons focus on the biblical teachings of God and Jesus to assist us all in our own, unique spiritual journey.
Find us and join us on Facebook.
We're happy to meet you and share some insights on St. David's! We strive to be "the corner church, wherever you are"—spiritually, physically, and beyond.
Our goal is to make everyone feel welcomed and cherished, from the smallest baby to the oldest senior. We do that through a focus on the biblical teachings that center our attention on our life together, the welcoming of the visitor, and the care of all.

Children in Worship
At St. David’s, we value the inclusion of children in our worship service; we love to have them attend in all of their energetic glory!
The children have a sermon just for them during the 10 a.m. service where they are invited to the front with Pastor Elizabeth. This short sermon is always fun, entertaining and educational for all… you never know what the children will say. We're not sure who enjoys it more, the kids or the adults!

Special Services
To provide worship service to you, whoever you are, wherever you are, the 10 a.m. service is steamed live each Sunday; please join us below for the current or most recent service.
You can follow the service with the weekly bulletin available to everyone on our mailing list, in your personal Book of Common Prayer (BCP) or online at BCPonline.org
Current Service: